New April 10th - Spring Cleanse -Journey Through the Omer

Nourish Your Radiance

“Transform Your Lifestyle for Energy & Wellness”

 5 month group tele-health program

Mondays,September 23 – January 6, 7pm

meets twice a month online

video & workbooks provided 

Kick that sugar addiction, control your inflammation, dramatically improve your digestion, and find energy you didn’t know you had to fully enjoy your life!


Sustain a lifestyle that supports you feeling your best and energizes you to be there for those you love, and the causes that motivate you.

It can feel so challenging to stick with the food plan that you already know is right for you. You have tried many restrictive diet plans that work for awhile, until they just don’t anymore. Perhaps you’ve put on weight in your abdomen and can’t find the motivation to make the needed changes. With all the conflicting nutrition information, and the desire to use food to soothe ourselves it can be  so difficult to commit to your health. 

Perhaps your blood pressure is climbing or your blood sugar and horomonal imbalance is sending you on emotional rollercoasters that contribute to debilitating fatigue – leading you to begin to do things differently and prioritize your own health. Perhaps, you go long periods of time without eating, crave bread or sweets, or just get so busy with your responsibilities that there isn’t enough time to eat. Maybe your doctor recommended pharmaceuticals after seeing the above scenarios played out and they are concerned about your cholesterol, but you don’t want to start taking pills and prefer a more natural solution. Perhaps the bloating in your belly needs to be addressed so you can once again be comfortable in your own body.

Making time for yourself can be so challenging. But you are worth it, and you deserve the guidance and support that makes everything seem easier. 

What you eat and do has a direct effect on:

Abdominal weight


Rising blood pressure and blood sugar levels

Inconsistent eating patterns

Craving bread or sweets

With Nourish Your Radiance, we take a supportive, community-based approach to manifesting long term health, peace, and ease – while aligning with your life’s purpose. You get a Personalized Healthy Lifestyle Plan, including meal planning, exercise, and stress management tools, with high quality coaching for support and accountability to allow you to feel so good you consciously choose it over and over again. 

You integrate into a supportive community of women – becoming a part of something greater than yourself with a nourishing network.

Nourish Your Radiance can help you:

Actualize your own potential

Attune to mindfulness

Lose Weight

Build resiliency

Support you & loved ones

Increase energy

Balance blood sugar

Experience radiant health


The circle of support that develops in this program will put an end to all the uncomfortable scenarios listed above. This program supports you in stepping into a new lifestyle that is deeply satisfying in body, mind, heart, and soul.

This is not a diet program, this is a lifelong lifestyle change that provides professional guidance in listening to your body so you can commit to feeling good for the long run. This is about choosing to nourish yourself with healthy foods, engage in activities you love, and build meaningful connections. It’s a program that feels so good you won’t want to do it any other way.

Not your typical Zoom call

Maybe you think you don’t have time for regular zoom calls. Well, these are not your typical anonymous calls, our time together is set up for sacred connection – it feels as though we are sitting in a circle together. The network of support reminds you that you are not alone. Sephirah facilitates the program so that you become part of a movement, part of a community that leads to lasting change. Accountability gets set up in a way that is forgiving, nurturing, and reliable. 

We will meet regularly for 5 months to engage in lifestyle changes with sharing, accountability, coaching, and nutrition education.  

We eat regularly with real wholesome foods. No fads, no fasting, simply listening to the wisdom of your body combined with the wisdom of years of nutrition study. Once you get into the Nourish Your Radiance rhythm, you will lose your cravings for sweets and remember how good it feels to be vibrant and energized. 

The program includes:

Regular live meetings 

Individualized Meal Plan Design

Support and Assessment from a professional dietitian and certified health coach

Weekly Nutrition Education Recordings, Exercises, & Journal Prompts

Access to Private What’s App group for questions and community guidance

Recipes that heal

Radical Self Care Plans that nourish body, mind, heart, and soul

This course is for you if you:

You are motivated to make a lifestyle change that is nourishing

You desire more attention to properly take care of you, so that everyone around you can reap the benefits

You are ready to be the best version of yourself

You desire meaningful community connections

You want to heal with natural lifestyle shifts and nourishing food

This course is not for you if you:

You still want to try that next fad diet

You don’t have motivation to care for yourself in loving ways

You don’t enjoy community support 

You think there is a better time than now to get healthy

I would love to learn more about you and what you are looking for. Let’s find out if we are a match to work together. I am here to support you in manifesting your dreams and feeling your best. 






















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