New April 10th - Spring Cleanse -Journey Through the Omer

Mindful Eating

“Commit to Healthy Lifestyle, Manage Weight & Emotional Eating”

Next Group Program:

March 18 – June 10, 7pm-8:45pm ET 

on tele-health; limited to 12 participants

Cultivate presence and transform your relationship with food by learning to listen to your body’s innate wisdom, and practicing joyfully feeding yourself.

Your addiction to food and food situations seems to be so pervasive. You use it to heal the hungers of the heart, and seem to crave sweets. It never really works to heal these hungers of the heart so you seek out more food. Your choices continue to affect your health and you just wish you could get back on a plan that allows you to feel your best, be your best, but how do you get out of this rut of emotional eating. The high stress in your life just makes everything worse, as you use food to nurture yourself. 

There seems to be so many conflicting ideas on how to eat, they all sound good and yet you don’t know which one to listen to. Sticking to dietary recommendations can be so challenging, either the diet program is not satisfying or your life needs more sweetness in it and thus you can’t stick to the protocol. You know you can feel better if you learn to eat well with peace and mindfulness. Continuing to deny your body her cravings, and beating yourself up are not the answers. you know there is a better way and that with support you can get there and learn to trust yourself and your body. 

Maybe you are constantly trying to deny your body’s cues and ignore your hunger. Perhaps your focus and business during the day keeps you satisfied that you forget to eat and then go for all the wrong things in the evening. Start listening to what your body is saying so that you can treat yourself with respect and feel your best. Start eating with mindfulness and learn how pleasurable and satisfying this can be.

Learn to nourish yourself throughout the day even as you take care of others.

There are so many benefits to mindful eating and many studies confirm the positive affects which include:

Weight management

Healing the emotional eating cycle and binge eating behavior

Improved food choices

Improving consciousness on what you put in your life

Feeling great and overall healthy

Decreased stress

Being mindful

Making time for the things you love

Increased control around food and eating choices


You may think that this is the same old stuff you have heard before and you don’t believe you can overcome your food issues. Well this is not about starving yourself, or denying yourself or any other fad diet. This is about truly listening to the wisdom within.

With professional support you can learn what your body needs and tricks to make it possible to follow through. It’s about learning to believe in yourself. Its about taking the time for you. Its about changing your personal narrative to one that supports your highest intentions.

Outcomes of Mindful Eating:

Learn to listen to your hunger and satiation and respond appropriately

Improve Body Composition and Body Image

Relish in the pleasures of the foods you choose

Manage emotional eating with revolutionary ideas

Create nurturing self care rituals

Learn to listen to your bodies innate wisdom

Tap into a community of support to help you meet your personal goals


This program can help you solve your issues with food and poor body image. It’s an innovative approach that takes into consideration your Whole Being.  Together we engage in tools that allow for more pleasure, joy, and presence in life. We support you in going within to make a real difference and to fill yourself up in body, mind, heart, and spirit.

We will meet regularly for 12 weeks to engage in activities that help you learn to listen to your body’s messages and cultivate presence. 

The program meets every other week on Zoom. Each week there will be activities to help you learn to listen to your body’s messages and cultivate presence.  Group program starting October 19, and the program is also available as individual coaching to help you get a handle on your food now.

Session Topics Include:

Non Diet Approach – Why Diets Don’t Work

Feeding the Hungry Heart

Eating for Balance that bring energy and vitality

Self Care and Pleasure Practices

Wisdoms from the Slow Down Diet

Body as Holy Temple

This course is for you if:

You want to improve your body composition

You want to resolve your compulsive overeating &/or emotional eating with a holistic plan

You want to end stress eating

You want to find pleasure in life

You want to take good care of yourself

You want to be nourished in body, mind, heart, and soul

You want to be encouraged with compassionate coaching and community support

You are ready to quit trying the next fad diet

You are ready to heal your relationship to food

You are ready to walk in the full beautiful expression of yourself

This course is not for you if:

You don’t have the time to pay attention to what your body is saying

You don’t like to process and reflect

You want someone to tell you exactly what to eat

You prefer restricting diets that don’t honor your own cycles.

I would love to learn more about you and what you are looking for. Let’s find out if we are a match to work together. I am here to support you in manifesting your dreams and feeling your best. 

Join me!

Let’s Eat Mindfully!






















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