New April 10th - Spring Cleanse -Journey Through the Omer

Reset To Be Pain-Free

We are meant to age feeling limber and healthy. When I was visiting with a friend recently, she was complaining of aches and pains in her body and blaming it on aging. Then the same thing happened with another friend. This does not have to be your plot.  I have seen close to 1000 people reduce their pain by engaging in an Anti-Inflammatory Reset. The program works wonders and the group or individual coaching support makes it much more doable. 

A few weeks ago while traveling, I veered off my gluten-free diet. Yes, I do that sometimes, but this particular day got away from me. Wheat tends to make me bloated and I am weary about glyphosate sprayed on wheat in this country. While traveling, without my typical gluten-free staples, I got enticed by the hot ciabatta, so I decided to have a small piece. Later the same day, I went out to lunch with an old friend (the one who was complaining of chronic pain) to a place I had never been before. I got a dish with ramen, which I assumed would be rice noodles, however, I should have known better. My family usually goes to a Vietnamese restaurant in Montpelier that has the best ramen made with rice noodles. So the same day I indulged in some bread, I found myself eating some wheat noodles. As I have told many of you – sometimes your body can handle a little bit, but when you get to the 2nd or 3rd serving that’s when havoc kicks in. 

Why am I telling you this? Because an hour later after lunch, my knee buckles and begins to hurt. The inflammation from too much wheat has me experiencing pain in my knees with difficulty walking. Maybe you think this can’t be connected. I assure you that two years ago I had knee pain like this that the Anti-Inflammatory protocol healed and hasn’t bothered me since then. This mistake reminds me of why I avoid gluten and deepens my commitment to avoiding it. A few weeks later my knee pain is gone again. And truthfully, if I didn’t find this writing from that time, I may have forgotten about the incident and connection. (Many people sometimes forget what they find they are sensitive to.)

It is not only me, who has results like this. I see it over and over again, the shock of a few tweaks to the diet taking away chronic conditions that nothing else healed. One client sees improvement with migraines, another client could not believe that after years of daily Sudafed for chronic environmental allergies, she no longer needs that medication, and another client healed her debilitating back pain. Those dealing with Lyme, skin issues or auto-immune disease find healing from this protocol as well. 

If you are curious about how this can support you, join the next group program. You won’t regret it and the community network makes it all possible with ease….even for the most hedonistic picky eater. 

Choose to control your level of pain with an Anti-Inflammatory Reset.  

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